IBS Travel Hacks

As an IBS girlie myself, I know how stressful travel can be! Here are a few simple tips to help support a healthy gut while on the road!

1. Drink plenty of water

One of the simplest yet most crucial steps to maintain a healthy gut while traveling is to stay hydrated. Adequate water intake helps regulate digestion, prevents constipation, and promotes overall digestive health. 

What to do: Remember to drink water throughout the day, especially when flying or spending time in dry environments. Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it regularly to ensure you have access to clean water wherever you go. Replenishing electrolytes can also be super helpful if sweating more than usual!

LMNT Electrolytes: Click Here

My favorite reusable water bottle: Click Here

2. Stay consistent with your routine

While traveling often disrupts our daily routine, it's beneficial to maintain some resemblance of a meal schedule. Our digestive system thrives on consistency!

What to do: Try to stick to regular meal times as closely as possible!

3. Slow down & enjoy your meals

Amidst the excitement of exploring new destinations, it's easy to rush through meals. However, eating too quickly can strain your digestive system and lead to indigestion. Eating mindfully allows your body to properly break down food and absorb nutrients, reducing the likelihood of uncomfortable bloating

What to do: Take the time to savor and thoroughly chew your food!

4. Get in your fiber

Maintaining adequate fiber intake is vital for a healthy gut. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements, nourishes beneficial gut bacteria, and supports overall digestive health. 

What to do: Incorporate fiber-rich foods into your meals, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. When dining out, opt for dishes with a generous amount of vegetables or ask for a side salad. If fiber tends to be an issue for you, it can also be helpful to keep fiber packets on hand!

SunFiber packets: Click Here

5. Be smart about drinking

While exploring new destinations, a cocktail or two may be part of the experience. Alcohol alone can wreak havoc on the gut, but combine it with sugar and it becomes double the trouble!

What to do: Aim to keep sugary cocktails to a minimum and alternate between alcohol and plain water to stay hydrated!

6. Get moving

Traveling often involves spending long hours in transit or exploring new places on foot. Engaging in physical activity can help stimulate digestion & prevent constipation. 

What to do: Take advantage of opportunities to move your body, whether it's walking, stretching, or even finding a local gym for a quick workout. Even short bursts of activity can make a significant difference in supporting your gut.

7. Pack some teas

Peppermint and ginger tea are known for their digestive benefits. Peppermint can help soothe an upset stomach and reduce bloating, while ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease nausea and promote healthy digestion. 

What to do: Throw a few tea bags in your purse so you have them remedy readily available when needed.

Peppermint tea: Click Here
Ginger tea: Click Here

8. Prioritize sleep

Prioritizing quality sleep is crucial for maintaining a healthy gut while traveling. Lack of sleep can disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria, increase inflammation, and impair digestion. 

What to do: Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night to allow your body to recover and regenerate. 

9. Consider bringing along some supplements

When all else fails, it can be helpful to keep a few supplements on hand. Here are a few options to consider:


  • Jet lag can disrupt your sleep patterns and leave you feeling groggy and fatigued. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles and can help you adjust to new time zones more easily.

Digestive Enzymes:

  • Digestive enzymes are substances that help break down food and facilitate nutrient absorption. When traveling, you may encounter unfamiliar cuisines or dietary changes that can sometimes lead to indigestion or bloating. Digestive enzyme supplements can aid in the digestion of different foods, especially those high in fats or proteins, and promote better nutrient absorption

Activated Charcoal:

  • Activated charcoal is known for its ability to absorb toxins and chemicals in the digestive system. It can be helpful in cases of food poisoning or stomach discomfort caused by consuming contaminated food or water. However, it's important to note that it can interfere with the absorption of medications, so it's best to take it separately from any prescription drugs you may be taking.


  • If you're traveling to a warm climate or engaging in physical activities, staying hydrated is crucial. Electrolyte tablets can replenish essential minerals and salts lost through sweating, helping you stay energized and prevent dehydration.


  • If your prone to acid reflux, DGL can help soothe damaged tissue and reduce symptoms!

Ginger Tablets:

  • Motion sickness can put a damper on your travel experience, especially during long flights, boat or car rides. Ginger supplements have been known to alleviate nausea and promote digestive comfort.

All supplements can be found on Fullscript under “Travel Supplements” (you can also save 10%): Click Here

Traveling should be an enjoyable and enriching experience, and maintaining a healthy gut can contribute to your overall well-being during your adventures. With a mindful approach, you can nurture your gut while embracing the joys of travels!


My Experience with Now Foods


Why is gut health so important?!